Sales Team Location Tracking App

One field staff tracking platform that supports all sales models - B2B, B2C, D2C and more.

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APPropriate for Big, Small
And Medium Enterprises

Track Field Sales and See Them Skyrocket

Visibility is the first step towards scalability! The richer the data, the sharper the analysis. Field staff management software makes way for better decision-making and bigger business opportunities with data-driven field force management.

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Automate Your Field Operations with

Sales Staff Location Tracking App

Accuracy and robust code make TrackoField the finest choice for a field salesforce management platform.

  • Live Location Tracking

    Get to know the current location of each and every employee while they are on duty. Track their movement on the map in real time.

    • Geo-coded locations
    • Vivid Map View
  • Distance Travelled History

    Our system offers on-point route distance calculation, accurately tracking routes followed by employees while moving from one client site to another.

    • Accurate Trip Mapping
    • Playback the Trip
  • Sophisticated Dashboard

    A dashboard is like a window into your field staff performance. It displays crucial insights into field operations that are imperative for better decision-making.

    • Analytical Data
    • Graphical Representation.
  • Detailed Reports

    Automation empowers your employee to perform better. Creating reports, updating spreadsheets and stacking reports are off their to-do list now.

    • Auto-generated Reports
    • Download on the go

Enhancing Remote Sales
Management with Order
Management Tool

Flexible order management tool by TrackoField simplifies field
sales management for you. It offers real-time order tracking that
accelerates the sales and procurement process for you and your clients, respectively.

  • Stocked Product List
  • Remote Order Generation
  • Instant Order Approval
  • Ad-hoc Order Placements
Explore Order Management
Fuel Management System Explore Order Management
  • Remote Attendance Marking

    Employees have the leverage to mark their attendance remotely. Auto-attendance mark out enables healthy work-life balance for employees.

    • Geo-tagged Attendance
    • Visually-verified Mark-in
  • How Sales Location Tracking Software Simplifies Field Force Management?

    TrackoField renders a lot more than just tracking solutions which
    makes it the most preferred employee management solution in the

  • Online Leave Management

    It is convenient for both, employees and managers to apply for, acknowledge and manage leaves. There is no discrepancy in the leave data.

    • Online leave database
    • Transparency of leave data
  • Expense Management Tool

    Enhancing expense reimbursement process of employees. Apply for expense claims at any time, from anywhere via the app and get speedy approval.

    • Track claim status online
    • Upload visual proof of bills
  • Hassle-free Task Allocation

    Managers can allocate tasks to employees remotely either in advance or at runtime. Managers can check the availability of the staff online and allocate accordingly.

    • Bulk task uploads
    • Task allocation alert
  • In-built ChatBox

    Keep everything official on one platform. Create groups or chat individually online on the sales location monitoring app by TrackoField.

    • Share files and images
    • Send voice notes

Automate Your Field Operations with

Sales Staff Location Tracking Software

Sales Staff Location Tracking Software
  • Offline Tracking

    No-internet is not a problem for us, we keep tracking

  • Battery Status

    Get the live and last battery status of employees’ phones.

  • Unreachable Report

    Know the real reason behind employees’ unreachability.

  • 24*7 Technical Support

    Our technical support staff is available round-the-clock.

Practical Benefits of Field Sales Location Tracking Software

Bridge the gap between managers and the field staff with field staff tracking apps.
Everything operates remotely yet, stays well-connected through automation.

  • Transparency of Data

    All the parties involved get actual and unforged data from the same source. The software understands no bias, and neither do we.

  • Optimised Sales Operations

    Automation not only speeds up the operations but also helps you weed out anomalies to optimise the process across the hierarchy.

  • Actionable Insights & Analysis

    Data is useless if used less. TrackoField massages the entire data properly to present you with actional insights into team performance and productivity.

  • Real-time Efficiency Monitoring

    Monitor the total strength of your team, task efficiency, productivity, completion rate and other factors in real-time to deduce how efficiently your team’s operating.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to any question pertaining to sales location tracking solutions. Reach out to us via the contact us form if you do not find your answers here.

  • What is a sales location tracking app?

    A field sales location tracking app provides the real-time geographical location of each sales executive either on or off the field. As long as an employee is marked as present, the software fetches data on their whereabouts, task list, performance and a lot more. There is a different app for employees that is responsible for collecting data and a separate one for managers that displays the data and insights.

  • How is field sales staff location tracking useful in this time and age?

    While the world is driving towards AI and automation so are industries. Every sector from manufacturing to agriculture, sales to logistics are relying on software technology for optimised operations. Similarly, field sales management software are not only becoming relevant but also necessary for the sales and after-sales sector to streamline operations.

    Field staff tracking software fetches data on employees' whereabouts, sale quotas, task performance, order management, attendance, team expense, and a lot more. Sales Location Tracking App brings everything on one platform, hence saving, time, effort, and manpower.

  • Who can use field staff location tracking solutions?

    Any small, medium or big enterprise that has a field staff that operates remotely can use a field force tracking solution. It’s a must-have tool for field sales management, after-sales servicing and maintenance, Direct-to-customer delivery and any other sector that requires field staff tracking and operation management at the same time.

  • Is real-time field staff location tracking legal?

    Yes, field employee tracking is absolutely legal. TrackoField complies with every government norm strictly. The employees grant their consent every time they log in to the app. The software stops the tracking process as soon as employees mark themselves out, hence, not intruding into their privacy.

  • Does field staff location tracking require any device?

    No, employees do not have to install any external device or pay overheads on device installation. Employees just have to download the app on their smartphones from the play store or the app store. They sign up and feed in their details and voila they are good to go.

  • Does your sales location tracking app also have an order management feature?

    Yes, TrackoField offers complete field service management software and order management is one of the solutions. You can take orders online, create a product list and approve instantly to speed up the sales process.

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