Frequently Asked Questions.

If you don’t see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

  • Can we integrate multiple sensors with your software, also the ones that are not in your panel?

    Yes, you can. We offer complete customisation with white label fleet management software. You can get as many types of sensors and devices integrated with our software. Roughly 500 devices/sensors such as door closing sensors, e-locks, temperature sensors, TPMS and many more have been integrated with our software as of now. We can easily integrate commonly acceptable protocols. In case you have doubts about the compatibility, let us tell you that we have a provision for a free trial. You can test whether or not your devices are compatible with our software.

  • Can your software generate alerts in case of route deviations and unwanted stoppages?

    Yes. Only the best route planning software provides this feature. We do not only offer route deviation and stoppages alerts but also provide reports of such incidents.

  • Does your software provide elastic ETA and Proof of Delivery?

    Yes. Our software does smart route optimization. The ETA that reflects on the screen is not the fixed ETA that appears in trip planning, it’s elastic. The software updates it depending on various factors such as distance travelled/left, time, average speed, weather condition, route deviated and a few more. We offer multiple options as proof of delivery - OTP, receiver’s signature, picture of the receipt and automatic POD generated by the software itself.

  • Does your software support API integrations?

    Yes. Our software is an integration-friendly setup that enables push and pull APIs via custom connections. We have easily integrated more than 1000+ APIs so far. We use standard protocols and a secure approach to ensure safe, efficient and fast sharing of data.

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