Expectations From Next Generation Fleet Technology In 2024

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  • Last Update: March 1, 2024
Expectations From Next Generation Fleet Technology

Next generation fleet technology in 2024 is offering to automate decision-making and enhance visibility so that nothing passes unnoticed by the manager’s eagle eyes.

If you aim to plan, execute and optimise your fleet’s trips and operations manually, then forget it. Because the manual method stands no chance against the latest telematics technology, your competitors are moving to.

 In this age of AI, ML, IoT, and Machine Vision (MV), fleet technology is taken by storm and is now gearing up for advancements. 

The next generation fleet technology in 2024 is being designed to elevate your operations to the next level, where the worries of tracking and cost-saving resolve automatically. Let the blog tell you what you can expect from the next-generation fleet technology. 

Why Do We Need Technology for Fleet Management?

Isn’t this a good question?

Why exactly do we need technology for fleet management? After all, all you have to do is assign routes to your drivers and share the details. Easy right? 

Well, no. As easy as it may sound, it is really tough. With mobility comes hindrance in visibility and communication. This is enough to make your fleet operations go haywire.

But would you believe that fleet operators get to experience peaceful sleep and dream with automated fleet technologies have their back? No longer will they be plagued with nightmares of accidents. All because they have AI-enabled fleet technology in place, which is solving problems for many as you read this blog.

Still not convinced, we see. But the numbers Chico, they never lie!

A number of logistics companies welcomed the next-generation fleet technology, which has benefitted them:

20% decrease in idling.

40% reduction in harsh braking and improvement in driving habits.

86% of fleet operators reported solid ROI by connecting fleet technology.

13% reduction in fuel costs along with improvement in preventive maintenance.

How Fleet Management Technology Works for Drivers and Managers

Before we delve deep into the latest fleet technology (for which you are reading this blog), you need to know the benefits of going down the technical path.

Get Better Insights

Fleet management software wins the prize when it comes to processing and presenting insights to managers in real-time. It makes assessing the financial situation and acquiring key metrics on the functioning of the fleet a cheesecake walk.

Furthermore, efficient fleet technology recognises patterns regarding the fleet and employees that might influence decisions.

Catch Distracted Driving

Reckless driving not only puts the driver’s life and vehicle’s health at risk but also compromises the company’s reputation. But with strong fleet technology such as video telematics and driving behaviour monitoring tools, managers can prevent accidents from occurring due to enhanced visibility. Also the collision alerts are triggered as the vehicle is about to collide or if there is frequent lane changing or risky driving.

Management Through Alerts

Fun Fact: Did you know you can manage your drivers and fleet with the help of alerts and notifications?

If not, well, now you know. Fleet management technology has super weapons like GPS tracking, geofencing, etc., allowing managers to manage their fleet and drivers remotely.

With GPS tracking, managers know real-time location, employee hours, route deviations and stop taken. And for drivers, the GPS tracking system informs them of the right approaching turn.

Geofencing limits the movement of your fleet to a predetermined delivery area. Fleet operators receive instant notification of the entry and exit of the vehicle of the virtual boundaries. This also helps to detect when drivers are diverting from the assigned path.

Additionally, TrackoBit offers custom features and alerts for your business requirements. Thai will make managing your fleet and drivers in a much more easy manner. Alerts like safety alerts, route deviation, idling, fuel drainage and refill can all be detected and prevented through alerts.

Schedule Maintenance Requirements

With the help of top fleet management technology, you can diagnose vehicles’ health and forecast the need for maintenance. (sorry,it can’t forecast your future)

This will help you schedule vehicle maintenance and servicing well in advance. Also auto reminders would not let you miss vehicle servicing appointments. This eliminates the chances of unexpected costs of repairs affecting fleet operations and downtime. Further impacts customer satisfaction and jeopardises trip planning.

Benefits of Implementing fleet Technology

Ease Of Route Planning

Not a kilometer more, not a kilometer less – just the right kilometres travelled, said TrackoBit.

Automate route planning software and optimisation with the right fleet management system in place. After considering multiple factors, the system will suggest the shortest and most suitable route. Also geo coders with the help of NLP autom,atically convert addresses into coordinates and arranges them along the most optimised route. This not only reduces transit time but also decreases fuel consumption and improving user experience with on time delivery.

Top Fleet Management Technologies to Implement in Business

It’s 2023, and we are seeing exponential technical growth in every industry. And fleet technology has no reason to be left behind. It, too, is ready to welcome the next generation of advancements where data is king. With these changes, the scenario of logistics and transportation is set to transform.

The Dominance of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Vision and Machine Learning

Managers can’t be everywhere, but technology can. And the same technology is giving decision-makers enhanced visibility into more areas of operations. The two main players are AI and MV. Combined, together will become an indispensable part of fleet operations.

For example, this same technology is used today to detect distracted driving patterns. It detects and deters smoking, eating, or handheld devices during driving in real time. This is just a scratch on the surface of what AI+MV can do.

Optimisation of fuel, route, and resources will be predictive and real-time rather than static. Vehicle diagnosis will be rapid and more precise. The system will be able to capture internal problems even before drivers do.

Machine vision is advancing in identifying objects and facial expressions. It applies AI to determine whether a driver is impaired or drunk by checking pupil dilation. This technology will continue to improve, machines will learn faster, and AI will be on point at delivering value. Whereas ML will enable machines to react to situations without any human intervention bringing us closer to autonomous driving with each passing day.

Video Is The New GPS

From performance control to service verification, route planning and real-time resource allocation are set to be revolutionised. Wondering how? Through videos, of course. Videos are set to transform fleet in the same manner as it has upgraded driver safety. Just like GPS, videos will act as a layer of intelligence to fleet operations.

This will give fleet operators a new level of understanding which will, in turn, help them strike the right cord while making decisions.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Did you know that idling vehicles emit over 10 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air?

One of the superpower of IoT is that it  automatically align your efforts with a green fleet strategy making your operations sustainable. It optimises the trips, routes, and proactively calculates fuel consumption and load.

IoT devices are like soldiers positioned at the front line to do the mechanical job of collecting data and send it to the central unit. Vehicles integrated with IoT sensors accumulate data from endpoints and send out automated signals. This feature will generate an early warning or alert in case of accidents or collisions.

Data management is becoming a prized treasure for success. The data is processed through a well-structured IoT architecture which readily analyses and predicts results for enhancement of operations.

Emerging Fleet Technology

Sensors For The Win

The Internet of Things has set out to reshape fleet trips as best as possible. An overwhelming number of sensors are available in the market, both default and after-purchase integration. And these sensors are developed beyond our understanding.

Now their capability includes managing vehicles and monitoring the lifespan of the products being transported. Sounds crazy right?

Now there are sensors for nearly everything the fleet managers want to monitor, such as cargo temperature, humidity, tyre pressure, location, vehicle speed, etc. For example, vaccines have to be transported at a particular temperature. There are sensors that not only monitor the temperature of the reefer but also use LiDar technology. This will give your business a true competitive edge in the coming years.

Better Connectivity and Visibility with 5G

Mobile connectivity truly has been mind-boggling. And the continuous development of 5G will push us to make the right decisions using cloud-based fleet management software. 5G will help improve the video streaming quality and facilitate large data bursts. Also, support V2X communication.

Autonomous Vehicles

It is true that we are still a long way from including fully autonomous vehicles in the mainstream fleet. But the technology’s wheels are constantly rotating, bringing Levels 3 and 4 self-driving vehicles to commercial fleets.

Hey Siri- Whatcha Cooking?

All this is possible by virtue of data and only data. 

All hail Lord Data!

This game of leveraging data to make the closest possible decision is what the next-gen technology is aiming for. And the best part of it is that it utilises machine learning even to automate decision-making.

There is no way you can make a wrong decision; there are just the right decisions—all the more reasons to welcome and embrace next-gen technology with open arms.

But if you feel the wait is too long, then no. Your waiting ends here.

TrackoBit is a fleet management software that has already been offering and developing its technology stack with tools automation and sensor integration. The software is customisable and compatible with almost all the sensors out in the market.

Get an early start by scheduling a demo now!

Expectations From Next Generation Fleet Technology In 2024

Tithi Agarwal

Tithi Agarwal is a content writer at TrackoBit. She enjoys writing blogs which are knowledgeable yet fun to read. And when she is not typing away to glory she has her nose buried in books.

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