Field Service Mobile App for Field Technicians – Amplify On-Field Productivity

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  • Last Update: April 17, 2024
Field Service Mobile App Improve Field Technicians’ Productivity

Adopt a field service mobile app for your field technicians if you want to improve their productivity with streamlined attendance marking, simplified expense claiming, and smooth task updates on the go.

Field technicians go from site to site to complete their daily tasks. Their working hours include their travel time too. Also, field managers sitting far away in the offices, don’t have visibility and control over field operations. In such cases, management of time, tasks, and team capabilities may lead to increased idle time, reduced utilization rate, and high mileage. Thus, resulting in decreased productivity, higher costs, and wastage of resources.

Well, we have a way to deal with this. And it’s none other than an employee-friendly field service mobile app. The app offers a complete suite of productivity tools that help technicians conduct certain tasks in a few seconds. For instance, they can smoothly mark attendance, update tasks, and request expense claims on the move.

Instead of indulging in paperwork, calling back and forth to mark their availability, or participating in other mundane practices, they can manage their activities. A well-put-together field employee tracking app also helps managers gain the right insights into team productivity and performance.

A Brief into Field Service Mobile App

A field service mobile app works as a portable workstation for field technicians. It is a software-enabled platform that connects field employees with managers. It ensures enhanced transparency, better collaboration, and improved flow of information between field technicians and managers.

This unified platform offers multi-purpose features, reducing field technicians’ or field managers’ dependency on multiple apps to perform minor tasks such as document sharing, barcode scanning, chatting, file attachment, etc.

Which On-field Jobs are Included in Field Service Operations?

Various industrial sectors include field jobs – electronics, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, delivery services, e-commerce, and many more. Some involve presales visits, whereas others include after-sales and installation visits. However, in every use case, seamless process management is a must.

Here are some sectors where field service mobile apps come in handy to streamline remote operations.

  1. HVAC jobs include heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services to customers’ doors. Field technicians with these jobs install and maintain HVAC systems in residential areas.
  2. Plumbing services ensure timely and reliable services to customers. With field service apps, plumbers are provided with the right tools to complete their work without delays.
  3. Property Management involves requesting, inspecting, and managing vendors. It prioritizes timely issue resolution as it leads to satisfied tenants.
  4. Appointment-based-at-home Services are conducted when customers book an appointment to get services at their homes on a specific day and time.
  5. Internet Installation Visits ensure field technicians perform site surveys for potential customers to evaluate network requirements and serviceability before installing the Internet.
  6. Recurring Visits consist of jobs that require multiple visits with a repeated schedule. For example, a medical care provider visits a patient for physical therapy every Tuesday per week.

All these industries replace mundane tasks and leverage the fullest potential of field service mobile apps to automate and streamline their business operations.

Why Field Service Apps Are Essential for Modern Technicians

Discover the potential of field service apps in empowering your field technicians to improve their productivity levels.

Why Your Technicians Should Own Field Service App

  • Access to Ad-hoc Tasks

Technicians can quickly respond to unexpected and ad-hoc tasks without compromising routine maintenance activities. This guarantees that each task, whether ad-hoc or routine, is appropriately prioritized based on operational needs. Thus, technicians resolve tickets/queries on time and ensure faster TAT.

  • Real-time Job Details

Field service organizations live with constant changes. A perfect example is appointments which are often adjusted, rescheduled, or cancelled. Well, this makes field technicians plan, pre-plan, and re-plan their days; as a little recklessness can make things go haywire. Luckily, with field service mobile apps, they don’t have to indulge their time in understanding schedules. They just receive timely reminders and notifications whenever any changes are made to the plan. This helps them get real-time job details and dedicatedly focus on their work.

  • Quick Attendance & Leave Marking

Marking attendance or requesting leave is a backbreaking task for field agents when required to visit the office for the same. However, a field service mobile app makes it all convenient. Field technicians can punch in/out from the site using their phones. They can also choose the type and duration of the leave while requesting time off. Meanwhile, managers receive updates on technicians’ attendance and leave.

  • Easy Expense Claiming

Yes, that’s possible too. A field service technician app comes with an expense management module. Field technicians can update the expense on the app, and attach receipts/bills against the expense incurred, voila, they are done. Managers receive the notification and respond via the field technician tracking app.

  • SOS Button for Emergency

A field service app for technicians comes with an SOS feature or button. The SOS button triggers an alarm for managers to check on the well-being of the respective field technicians. These alerts offer necessary details like the technician’s location, name, phone number, etc. Thus, helping managers take prompt action or send quicker help in case of a medical emergency or safety threat.

Top Features to Look For In A Field Service Mobile App

Here are some crucial features that you must look for in the best field service mobile app for technicians.

🔍Geocoded Attendance

Geocoded attendance feature captures the location where technicians mark their attendance from. Managers upon receiving those geocoordinates, validate technicians’ availability on the field. This reduces the possibility of proxy attendance and adds an extra layer to accurate attendance data.

🔍Reporting and Analytics

To capture your technicians’ productivity in reports and analytics, you must look for this feature. It helps you get all the details you need like task vs. achievement reports, first-time fix rate, number of tickets raised, average number of work orders, total distance traveled, etc. Thus, you can better monitor your technicians to let them achieve their best level.

🔍Barcode Scanning

Barcode scanning prevents technicians from mentioning serial numbers or long text strings manually. Thus, it simplifies the data entry procedure and helps streamline workflow. With barcode scanning for equipment, technicians can access and maintain the history of the work performed. Moreover, they can streamline the POD process by verifying that customers receive the service they order. This way, field technicians focus more on fixing issues rather than relying on ancient paper records.

🔍Offline Accessibility

A field service app with offline accessibility helps technicians to continue working and store any task-related updates locally on the device. When the device regains internet connectivity, the app initiates the synchronization process and retrieves the locally stored updates.

🔍Payroll Management

One-click access to payroll-related data. That’s another feature you need to keep in mind while looking for the best field service mobile app. With the payroll management module, technicians can conveniently view their deductions and subscriptions. Thus, they stay informed on any changes made. Moreover, they can view and download their past and current payslips at ease.

How to Choose a Field Service Mobile App for Technicians?

Here are certain things you need to consider before choosing the best field service mobile app for technicians.

👉First of all, you need to assess your field technicians’s jobs and responsibilities, i.e., what tasks they perform and what challenges they face during job execution. For instance, if the job involves medicine delivery to pharmaceutical companies, you should look for apps that track technicians’ locations and the total orders they placed.

👉 No matter what the documents or reports technicians need, i.e., their payslips, productivity status, attendance records, orders completed, and leave balance, a field service mobile app must provide all these to them.

👉Location capability is the most crucial among all because it ensures that field technicians take the shorter route to reach the customer’s location on time.

👉Look for cloud security to keep your customer’s sensitive data confidential and secure.

👉Don’t forget the integration capabilities because it is only through which you can ensure that the app’s features, functionalities, and experience are seamless between multiple platforms.

👉Lastly, go for a field service mobile app that can tailor and offer a modicum of customization to support your unique business needs.

Final Words!

This is all about the field service mobile app and how it brings efficiency to field technicians’ daily tasks. Using the app means streamlined collecting, processing, and analyzing data for a seamless flow of information between field technicians and managers.

Additionally, it helps automate various aspects and lets technicians focus more on quality-driven tasks. To utilize its capabilities, conduct a free trial with TrackoField and gift your field technicians with ways to streamline their operations.

Talk to our experts to learn more!

Monitor Your Technicians’ Productivity with Ease!


  • What is a Field Service Mobile App?

    A field service mobile app is a part of the field service management software, provided to technicians to record their attendance, update their tasks, and request expense claims on the go.

  • What to consider when choosing the best field service mobile for technicians?

    Discover essential factors that you must find while looking for the field service mobile app:
    - Visual verification
    - Reporting and analytics
    - Barcode scanning
    - Offline accessibility
    - Work order management
    - Dispatching and scheduling

  • Why do field service technicians use field service management apps?

    Field service technicians use field service management apps to:
    - Get real-time job information
    - Use smartphone capabilities
    - Improve agility and productivity

Field Service Mobile App for Field Technicians – Amplify On-Field Productivity

Shivani Singh

Shivani is a Content Writer at TrackoBit. She loves to dance to the tunes of words. And when she is not entertaining herself with write-ups, you will find her jumping on the bandwagon of social media and creating captivating content.

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