Employee Productivity Tracking Software: How & Why To Do It

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  • Last Update: October 31, 2023
Employee Productivity Tracking Software

Using employee productivity tracking software is not only an ethical way of tracking employees but is also highly beneficial. 

The typical employee is only productive for 60% of the day across all professions.

It is hard to ensure that employees stay productive throughout. It varies from person to person and situation to situation. There is no way managers can keep track of the employees’ productivity except by using employee productivity tracking software.

When done with consent and the intention of using the data for gaining transparency and productivity tracking won’t be termed surveillance. 

In this article, we have shared why companies should monitor employees’ productivity and the right way to do it.

Reasons Why Companies Need to Track Employee Productivity

Here are some key reasons why companies need to track employee productivity.

Performance Evaluation

Tracking employee productivity will allow companies to accurately assess every individual’s and team’s collective productivity. Doing so will provide essential data for evaluating performances and determining the hikes in salary.

Resource Allocation

Tracking employee productivity allows you to identify areas of low and high efficiency. This information aids in better allocation, allowing companies to optimise workforce distribution. Analytical dashboards are a great option as they instantly inform managers of every activity.  Helping make well-informed decisions regarding staffing, work level,  assignments and project deadlines. 

Goal Setting and Target Achievement

Monitoring employee productivity sets realistic goals and measures the progress towards achieving them. Reports like productivity vs targets achieved help to motivate employees to work towards specific objectives and can be held accountable for their contributions. 

Employers lose approximately 24 billion hours annually due to unnecessary meetings resulting in reduced productivity at the workplace.

Process Optimisation

Employee productivity tracking can reveal inefficiencies and bottlenecks in business processes.  This information can be utilised to streamline workflows and identify areas for automation or improvement. This will enhance the overall organisation’s efficiency. Task automation solution is perfect for this as it helps to streamline workflow 

Identify Top Performers

Tracking productivity enables businesses to identify top performers within their workforce. Recognising and rewarding high-performing employees help retain talent and motivate others to strive for better results. 

Profits rise by 21% as a result of engaged workers’ higher productivity levels.

ROI Assessment

By tracking the workforce’s productivity, companies can evaluate the effectiveness of investment in tools, training and technology. This information helps to assess the ROI of various initiatives and make data-driven decisions regarding future investments. 

Reasons Why Companies Need To Track Employee Productivity

Analyse Burnout and Workload Balance

In a recent Gallup study, 28% of employees indicated they were burned out at work “very often” or “always.” 

Though many factors can lead to burnout, uneven workload for an extended period is one of the key reasons. When tracking their productivity, it becomes easier to detect that employees are on the verge of burnout. Appropriate, timely actions, like setting realistic and achievable targets, can prevent this from happening. 

What is Employee Productivity Tracking Software?

Tracking productivity is tricky, especially when you have a remote working workforce and team collaborating over calls. Managers are mainly tasked with tracking and monitoring team members’ productivity levels. To do so, they require innovative and interactive tools to not only manage the team but also guide them for better efficiency and productivity.  

Employee productivity software offers real-time data on employee efficiency. The data analyse employee behaviour and record task-based timeline to measure their productivity during working hours. 

Such software helps team managers and business owners optimise and refine employee engagement. Furthermore, it creates innovative methods to streamline tasks that help save time and money and maximise ROI. 

How Can Employee Productivity Tracking Software Help in Tracking Productivity?

Using efficient employee productivity tracking software like TrackoField to monitor employees’ productivity is a must. Not only does it help businesses promote employee productivity, but it also measures their performance quality. It does so with the help of its top-notch solutions like the ones discussed below:

Leave and Attendance Management System

Automate the handling of attendance and leave data of employees. Not only that, but also keep track of their time with the help of sensitive attendance management, eliminating chances of time theft or buddy chances. This helps to save time and ensure that the workforce stays productive. 

Additionally, the system even comes with visual verification where the photo of the remote employees gets clicked with a time and real-time coordination stamp. 

Regarding leave and attendance management, the system allows remote employees to apply for leaves remotely. Managers, too, can reply to leave requests remotely. Furthermore, they have dashboards where they can view the leave data of each employee. 

Live Monitoring and Tracking

If you are a company employing field staff or simply operating remotely from client sites. it becomes important for managers to track and monitor employees’ activities. They do so to ensure optimal use of time and resources at employees’ disposal.

The software allows managers to track their employees accurately in real time without latency or downtime. Isn’t it great to have TrackoField? Alongside real-time tracking, it offers distance travelled reports, real-time alerts and notifications that help track the employees’ productivity live.

Automating Task Management

The manner in which you allocate tasks to your employees affects their productivity. To ensure that there is an even workload distribution, task management is necessary. The software automatically assigns tasks to the available and best-suited employee. Additionally, managers receive updates without having to ask for them.

The calendar view by TrackoField gives a bird eye view of employee availability and task status. It also helps in scheduling daily/weekly tasks. This helps save a lot of time and effort that goes into traditional methods.

Analytical Reports

Access to the right analytical data and insights is vital. Employee productivity tracking software has auto-generated reports that will give real-time insights into the performance quality and productivity of the employees. 

The reports have every tiny detail of the projects, each employee’s contribution, and task execution data on them. Furthermore, the reports can be diced up according to the requirement. They help in ensuring the productivity of the managers as they no longer need to toil to track data on employees. 

In-built Chat Box

The built-in chat box promotes productivity by allowing employees and managers to communicate openly. And since the feature is built in, it also eliminates the need for using multiple platforms to connect and operate, which can be confusing and energy-consuming. 

Expense Management

A quick and easy reimbursement process is like an incentive for employees, which keeps them motivated and productive. The software allows easy upload of claim requests and simplifies the process as the request is automatically visible to immediate managers in the hierarchy. 

Also, to save time, the system notifies the employees whenever their claim request is approved.


Enhance Employee Productivity with TrackoField

Having a productive team and employees working for you is a boon as they positively impact the company’s working environment. They are also the reason your business will be able to close deals more successfully: the backend work is smooth. All this can be possible using employee tracking software which automates mundane tasks.

TrackoField is an employee behaviour monitoring software that can help your employees stay motivated and deliver top performance with no extra effort.

Employee Productivity Tracking Software: How & Why To Do It

Tithi Agarwal

Tithi Agarwal is a content writer at TrackoBit. She enjoys writing blogs which are knowledgeable yet fun to read. And when she is not typing away to glory she has her nose buried in books.

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